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A behind-the-scenes of how products and companies are greenwashed.
Are green products a way to save the world from disaster or a clever marketing ploy to fuel consumption? Werner Boote's film analyzes the market for "green" goods - from groceries to electric cars. Traveling around the world, he looks behind the scenes of new, environmentally-friendly corporate images, exposing marketing strategies that exploit growing Western awareness of ecology to vault profits. The film shows how often simple social engineering tricks influence our perception of a given product as environmentally friendly. When did we let ourselves be persuaded that buying "consciously" can save the world? And that our commitment to the environment can come down to just that - consumer choices? 

97' 2018 Austria
Director: Werner Boote
Cinematography: Dominik Spritzendorfer, Mario Hötschl
Editing: Gernot Grassl, Roland Buzzi
Production: e&a film

The Festival runs from 2.-11.12.2022
The film is to watch online from 12.12.2022 unter,18749928
Special Collection on

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12.12 - 31.12.2022