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Exhibition: "Who is Janina Węgrzynowska?"
Artists: Agata Bogacka, Jenny Brockmann, Marcin Dymiter, Magdalena Franczak, Ludomir Franczak, Agnieszka Grodzinska, Dagmar Schürrer
Curator: Paulina Olszewska
Organisation: Galeria Studio
Partner: Austriackie Forum Kultury w Warszawie

The starting point for the exhibition is the artistic achievements of Polish artist Janina Węgrzynowska (1930-2010). The artist was a painter and graphic designer, experimenting with new media all her life: she created three-dimensional optical objects, video installations and lasers. After her death, she was largely forgotten and today her works are not present in the artistic discourse. The curatorial idea of the project is to invite various international contemporary artists to dialogue with the work of Janina Węgrzynowska.

Galeria Studio
Pałac Kultury i Nauki
Pl. Defilad 1
Wstęp wolny

16.01 - 28.02.2023 Galeria Studio
PKiN, Pl. Defilad 1
Entrance free