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ONLINE Lecture:
Dr Vera Faber
„Crossing Boundaries, Challenging Constraints – On Perspectives in Artistic and Curatorial Work “
Organizers: Wydział Edukacji Artystycznej i Kuratorstwa UAP, Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw
More information: dr Vera Faber Crossing Boundaries, Challenging Constraints – On Perspectives in Artistic and Curatorial Work — UAP Poznań

Vera Faber is a researcher in Border Studies at UiT / The Arctic University of Norway. She received her doctoral degree in Slavonic Studies from the University of Vienna (2017) with a thesis on the Ukrainian avant-garde of the late 1920s. Her research interests include the history and the theory of the avant-garde movement in Ukraine and in Russia, word-image-relations, photography, border aesthetics, design, intertextuality, intermedia, centre-periphery-relations, cultural networks, multilingualism, the interrelation of art and politics.

08.01.2024 (Mo.) 6:00 p.m.
In Englich 


08.01.2024 18:00 ON-LINE