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Generative Design – Workshop Series
Organisation: Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw
Partner: Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology

What is generative design? We will be exploring this question during this workshop series, allowing the boundaries between graphic design and coding to blur. Participants will learn about the history of generative art and will rediscover code as a design tool and programming as an artistic practice.
In a series of three sessions, we will learn the basics of programming in TouchDesigner, a software that specialises in creative coding and is designed for creative artists. Thanks to the graphical user interface, it is excellent for beginners and for creative experiments. Together we will learn to create generative tools, personalise them and use them for designs.

02.02.2023 - Sesion 1: History of Generative Art
03.02.2023, 04.02.2023 - Sesions 2 and3: Introduction to TouchDesigner, the basics of generative design

Benedikt Pfisterer is a generative artist based in Vienna but originally from Upper Austria. In his works, which are mainly created with the help of algorithms, he explores the relationship between humans and technology. Through art-based research, he questions the boundaries between the natural and the artificial and how algorithms influence human behaviour. In addition, his previous work at Vienna's Burgtheater as a videographer and media technician has led him to use a theatrical and literature-based approach to his projects.

02.-03.02.2023 (Thu.-Fr.), 17:00-20:00
04.02.2023 (Sat.), 
Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw
ul. Próżna 7/9, Warszawa
In English
Entrance free (but please register)

02.02 - 04.02.2023 Austrian Cultural Forum
ul. Próżna 7/9
In English Warsaw
Entrance free / Registration