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Workshop Series „Rethinking Games”
Session 1: What is a game & why do we play?
Organisation: Österreichisches Kulturforum Warschau
Partner: Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
PJAIT Game Lab:

A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome.” – Katie Salen & Eric Zimmerman, Game Designers & Educators

Playing and talking about games have never been as integrated into society as today. Today about 3 billion players regularly pick up their phones, controllers, or keyboards to play video games. Despite that when thinking about why we play games at all and what makes a game a Game, more questions than answers seem to pop up. In our first session on Rethinking Games, we want to search for answers and discover what games really are if that is even possible! Furthermore, we will turn our attention from games to us players and our attitudes and motivations that drive us to engage in gaming. In an open and free discussion, we shall deal with what games are and the reasons why we play, hopefully having each of us come to an individual conclusion at the end!

Benjamin Hanussek is an educator and researcher in the field of game studies & development. He received his formal education at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. In early 2022 he became an Austrian Marshall Plan Fellow enabling him to visit Teachers College at Columbia University in New York to conduct a research project on game-based learning. After completing his project, he founded PJAIT Game Lab with the help of New Media Arts Dean Prof. Ewa Satalecka at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw to conduct exploratory research on methods of teaching game development and to support students in their careers as future game developers and designers. Moreover, Benjamin Hanussek works at Lionbridge Games in Warsaw where he reviews video games and their localizations before they are published.

24.01.2023 (Tue.), 18:00
Austrian Cultural Forum
ul. Próżna 7/9, Warszawa
In English
Entrance free (please register for the event)





24.01.2023 18:00 Austrian Cultural Forum
ul. Próżna 7/9
Entrance Free, in English