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Presentation of multimedia stories: „This is (also) Europe!”

The second week of this year's International School of Multimedia Journalism will take place in Warsaw from 1 to 5 July. 20 students from Ukraine, Austria, Denmark and Georgia will meet for a week in Warsaw to produce journalistic multimedia projects on the topic „This is (also) Europe!”. The students will be supported by Ukrainian journalists as mentors for the teams.

During the group work in Vienna in February, the participants learnt how to deal with differences in journalistic work. They had to overcome both linguistic and cultural barriers. As a result, they produced five multimedia reports, each with its own unique approach to the topic:

Shaping Europe of Tomorrow – Young Voices from Georgia to Denmark

Operation Identity – Exploring Ukrainian Refugee’s Connection to their Homeland

Looking for a safe place – How refugees live after arriving in the European Union

Homeless in Europe

Echoes of Europe: Stories from the Georgian and Ukrainian Diaspora in Vienna

As a result of the Warsaw Week, four exciting journalistic stories will be presented at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw.

More about the International School of Multimedia Journalism:

The ISMJ was initiated after the annexation of Crimea and the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. The project was developed in cooperation between the Journalism & Media Management study programme at FHWien der WKW, the Ukrainian Catholic University of Lviv and the OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv. The aim was to strengthen the connection between the two countries and to show support for Ukraine. Since the second edition, the Danish School of Media and Journalism and the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs have been part of the project.

The project is financially supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv, the OeAD-GmbH, the City of Vienna and the Cultural Section of the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA).

05.07.2024 (Fr.), 5:00 p.m.
Austrian Cultural Forum
Próżna 7/9, 00-107 Warsaw 
In English
Admission free

05.07.2024 15:00