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Digital Humanism Fellowship 2024/2025

Digital Humanism Fellowship
The fellowship aims to bring eminent scholars from a wide range of academic fields to the Institute and allow them to pursue cutting-edge research on all aspects of the networked society. Each semester, a senior visiting fellow spends a one-month fellowship at the IWM. Additionally, two junior visiting fellows come to the Institute each semester, carry out their own research projects, and enjoy the possibility of an intensified collaboration and discussion with the senior visiting fellow. 
Candidates for junior visiting fellowships are expected to pursue research on digitalization’s intersection with societal, economic, and geopolitical dimensions, as well as other relevant research foci from the humanities and social sciences.
Two fellows will be invited to spend a period of three consecutive months at the Institute in spring 2025. Generally, fellowships start on the first day of the month and end on the last day of the month. 
Postdoctoral candidates––i.e., those who have defended their PhD by the date of the fellowship application deadline––will receive a stipend of EUR 3,000 per month; candidates currently pursuing their doctoral degree will receive a stipend of EUR 2,500 per month to cover accommodation, living expenses, travel, health insurance and any incidental costs related to their stay in Vienna. In addition, the IWM provides the fellows with office space including Internet access, in-house research and administrative facilities, as well as an in-house lunch and other services free of charge.
Senior visiting fellowships are awarded by invitation only. 
Applicants to the junior visiting fellowship must currently pursue their doctoral degree or have obtained a PhD not longer than four years ago at the time of application. 
Applications must be submitted through the IWM's online application form; we will be unable to consider applications sent via email.
Application materials consist of the following:
  • a brief letter of motivation that addresses how the project would benefit from time at the IWM, the connection to the IWM’s mission and research, and concrete research/writing goals during the fellowship
  • a project description (max. 550 characters)
  • a project proposal (max. 7,500 characters incl. spaces) containing a) a description of the project’s objectives, b) a discussion of the current state of the art, c) methods, and d) a work plan
  • a curriculum vitae including a list of publications
  • two letters of recommendation from scholars familiar with the applicant’s academic work
All application materials should be in English.
Important! Attached documents must be combined into a single PDF, as the online submission form only allows for one attachment. File names of attachments must use Latin characters. 
Deadline for Application: 22 September 2024, 23:59 CEST
The finalists are selected by a jury of experts. Applicants will be notified of the jury’s decision in the autumn semester of 2024. The jury is not required to publicly justify its decisions or provide applicants with individual feedback on their applications.
The Digital Humanism fellowship program is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

More Infomation and application form unter the LINK.