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Inspiring Female Scientists: Prof. Elly Tanaka
Organisers: Women in Science at Nencki
Partners: Nencki Institute of Experimental BiologyAustrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw

Women in Science at Nencki invites you to the first meeting of the series "Inspiring Stories of successful women"! The first guest will be Professor Elly Tanaka, a woman in science and an expert in regeneration biology.

Professor Elly Tanaka is the leading expert in the field of regeneration biology. She studied at Harvard and the University of California. Then, she worked in the lab of Jeremy Brockes at University College London and Ludwig Institute and, later, in her own lab at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. She was granted multiple awards including the Ernst Schering Prize, Erwin Schrödinger Prize, and FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award. Currently, she works as a senior scientist at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, Austria.

28.04.2022 (Thu.), 1 pm CEST
ON-LINE, Zoom platform
Register here: https://forms.gle/wxW1DpPyHPUz9GfU6
In English

28.04.2022 13:00 ON-LINE

In English, Registration