Daniel Baric (Sorbonne Université)
Rediscovering the Habsburg Legacy in Socialist Yugoslavia and Beyond: the role of Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia
In the 1980s, a process of rediscovery of the Central European cultural layer in Croatian literature and cultural history began, at first hesitantly. The pioneers of this search for a fresh view on the transnational history of Austria-Hungary were authors and scholars who primarily dealt with urban milieus in the northern Adriatic, in Istria, Rijeka, and to a lesser extent in Dalmatia. These works were triggered by the search for a cultural and sometimes political alternative in crisis-prone Yugoslavia. Albeit progressively gaining widespread acceptance throughout Croatia, the specific mechanisms of this rediscovery are rooted in local communities in which programs regarding the Austro-Hungarian heritage were developed.
Daniel Baric is Associate Professor in South-Slavic studies at Sorbonne Université. His research deals mainly with history of cultural transfers and entanglements in the (post-)Habsburg context. Latest publications: D. Baric (ed.), Die Lebenserinnerungen von Carl Patsch. Archäologie eines Lebens zwischen Böhmen und Bosnien, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2023; D. Baric and E. Miloš (eds.), L’Institut français de Zagreb. Fondements et contextes d’une médiation culturelle, Paris, Institut d’études slaves, 2023; D. Baric (ed.), « Les Guerres balkaniques, perspectives culturelles », Balkanologie, vol.17/1, 2022.a
17.02.2025 (pon.), 6:00 p.m.
Austrian Cultural Forum
ul. Próżna 7/9, Warsaw
In English
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