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Stypendia Artist-in-Residence w Styrii 2025


On behalf of the Governor Mr. Christopher Drexler the Regional Government of Styria allocates scholarships for young emerging artists for the year 2025. These scholarships will be for international artists of all fields as well as for art theorists. There is no individual legal claim to be allocated a scholarship position.
Entitled to participate are upcoming artists and art theorists who look for contacts with artists and the creative scene in Graz, Styria. They will receive a monthly payment of EUR 1.100,-- for subsistence. The scholarship requires the presence of the artists/theorists.
A room with private bath plus a shared kitchen is available at the outstanding baroque Priesterseminar in the very city centre. However, it is not possible to be accompanied by other people (family members, friends...) or pets. An appropriate level of courtesy, respect and communicativeness is therefore expected of the scholars.

The care and networking of the scholars take place through cultural initiatives in Graz, who also arrange a working space for the scholars. A presentation of selected works or an artist-talk is scheduled. The period of the scholarship depends on the extent of the artistic intention and the decision of the jury. The minimum stay is two months. The scholars have to pay for their travel costs and their material expenses. Furthermore, they have to bear costs of all necessary insurances (health, liability and accident insurance) as well as for travel formalities. At the start of the scholarship, scholars must submit their policies for medical insurance, accident insurance and liability insurance valid for the duration of their stay abroad; otherwise, scholars will not be accepted on the residency programme.
The application documents should by using the attached form contain a motivation letter, short curriculum vitae, information about the desired duration of the stay (minimum two months), a description of the artistic/art-theoretical work project (max. 1000 keystrokes), examples of previous work in the form of a portfolio; max. 5 representative links can be provided as further information. All together not more than 20 pages max. 10 MB.
Only complete applications will be submitted to the jury.
The starting dates will be assigned, whereby the requests of the candidates will be considered whenever possible.
Should there be restrictions due to unforeseeable occurrences, Land Steiermark will not assume any liability if scholarships cannot be started. Likewise, there is no entitlement to substitute compensatory payments for scholarship holders.
Submissions must be made by using the form (page 2).
Applications for a Styria- Artist-in-Residence-Scholarship have to be addressed to: beteil-kultint@stmk.gv.at until August 15, 2024.
Applicants will be notified in writing of the result of the jury's decision.
Please consider climate-friendly travel.
Contact person:

Mag.a Christiane Kada
Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung
Abteilung 9 Kultur, Europa, Sport

Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung
Abteilung 9 Kultur, Europa, Sport
Landhausgasse 7
A 8010 Graz